Step 1: Enter your account and password to access the dashboard.
Step 2: Click on 【Static ISP Proxies】or 【Dedicated Datacenter Proxies】 under the 【PRODUCTS】section on the left, select the IP you wish to renewal, and then click on 【Auto Renewal】
Step 3:
Optional IP: This section displays all the static proxy IP addresses under your account. You can quickly search for IPs by country/region or by specific IP address.
Auto Renewal: This section lists the proxy IP addresses that you have chosen for automatic renewal. You can also search within this section by country/region or IP address.
①Select IPs for Auto-Renewal: In the 【Optional IP】section, tick the boxes next to the IP addresses you wish to renewal automatically. If you want to renewal all IPs, click the 【Select All】button. After making your selection, click the " > " button to move the selected IPs to the 【Auto Renewal】section.
②Confirm IPs and Choose Renewal Plan: Once you have confirmed the list of IPs in the 【Auto Renewal】 section, click on 【Renewal Cycle】 and select the desired plan [ Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, or Quarterly ] according to your needs. If you accidentally select an IP that you don't want to renewal, simply tick the box next to it and click the " < " button to move it back to the 【Optional IP】 section. Finally, click the 【Save】 button to complete the auto renewal setup.
Important Notes:
After completing this setup, the system will automatically deduct the renewal fee from your account wallet three days before the IP expiration date. Please ensure that your account wallet is sufficient.
To receive reminders, please ensure that you have opted for email notifications. If the renewal fails due to insufficient wallet, you will receive an email notification prompting you to recharge your account promptly to prevent any disruption to your business caused by IP expiration.