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Dedicated and static
Static ISP Proxies are assigned exclusively to you, with no other users sharing your IP address. They offer consistent, uninterrupted sessions by maintaining the same IP indefinitely.
99.9% uptime
99.9% uptime ensures your business runs smoothly around the clock, so you can trust that your connection will remain consistently online.
Unlimited traffic
Pay-as-you-go based on IP, with unlimited traffic and no hidden or extra fees.
High speed and stability
Enhance speed and stability with dedicated bandwidth, and utilize our fastest ISP Proxies to tackle even the most challenging targets easily.
Free city-level targeting
Select IP addresses from any country, state, or city to access all publicly available localized content with precise geolocation.
Global coverage
Our ISP proxy resources cover over 100 locations, enabling uninterrupted data scraping without CAPTCHAs or IP blocks.
Premium ISP Proxies
Our Static ISP Proxies are directly assigned by Internet Service Providers, sourced from premium ASN suppliers like AT&T, Sprint, Cox Communications, and Zenlayer. With our meticulously selected ISP Proxies, you can effortlessly unlock the most challenging targets.
User-friendly Dashboard
Manage Static ISP Proxies through our dashboard, subscribe to plans and renewals without worrying about business disruptions.
Add IP whitelists
Create authentication accounts
Manage automatic renewal of IPs
Premium ISP Proxies
Our Static ISP Proxies are directly assigned by Internet Service Providers, sourced from premium ASN suppliers like AT&T, Sprint, Cox Communications, and Zenlayer. With our meticulously selected ISP Proxies, you can effortlessly unlock the most challenging targets.
User-friendly Dashboard
Manage Static ISP Proxies through our dashboard, subscribe to plans and renewals without worrying about business disruptions.
Add IP whitelists
Create authentication accounts
Manage automatic renewal of IPs
Social Media Marketing
Manage multiple accounts across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube to maintain stability.
Extract product details, keywords, and prices from major e-commerce platforms to enhance competitiveness.
Market Research
Uncover key market research data, track and forecast global trends to maintain a competitive edge.
Ad Verification
Achieve consistency and precision in your ads, boosting performance and ad rankings for optimal results.
Web Testing
Continuously monitor website security vulnerabilities, optimize performance, and ensure stable, region-specific operations.
Brand Protection
Enhance brand monitoring to mitigate risks of infringement and malicious attacks, protecting the brand’s integrity and reputation.